
Committed to Public Health and Safety
We cannot ignore the fentanyl crisis that has hit almost every home in our community. Our City is stepping up to address the impact, but we need more state support to provide sufficient resources and restore our neighborhoods. Data shows that incarceration without care is not effective in getting folks on a path to recovery. I will support investments in mental health, substance abuse treatment, housing and job training to create a safer, more sober Spokane.
Fighting For Families
We need an economy that works for everyone, especially the overburdened middle class, and puts working families at the center of every economic policy. I believe in equal pay for equal work, a tax structure that requires the wealthy to pay an equitable share, and in creating good jobs by investing in small and mid-sized businesses. I believe in removing the barriers to economic stability and opportunity for our most marginalized communities, including communities of color, LGBTQ folks, and the disability community.
Standing Up For Our Public Schools
I will always stand for equal access to good schools and well-compensated teachers no matter the zip-code or family background. Every student deserves a quality education from pre-K to post-high school. We must provide more affordable, quality child care options to our working families in Spokane. We must recognize that for some students, their post-high school path might be college and it might be an apprenticeship, but it should prepare students for tomorrow’s job market without saddling them with insurmountable debt.
Protecting Safe Access To Abortion
The rights of all women are under attack. Our state has strong protections on women’s reproductive health care access for all women and I intend to keep those protections. We need more champions for safe access to abortion across our country. We can’t let men in office make decisions for women’s bodies. I will be that champion in Olympia.
Ensuring Environmental Justice
We must make a just and equitable, not just fair, transition away from fossil fuels and invest in clean energy jobs and infrastructure. I will work closely with labor and industry to find ways for workers to gain new skills and transition to the jobs that our changing economy and environment needs. I am committed to building an economy that is sustainable, and that protects those among us most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This must start with the wealthy that have the greatest environmental impact, not by strapping the poorest with higher living costs.